Reflecting briefly on 2021, our Sunday morning services went well since we resumed congregate worship on Mother’s Day. Whether you showed up in person at church, or you watched our Sunday morning services on virtual platforms, such as Facebook or YouTube, or you read a hard copy of my sermons, I greatly appreciated your efforts. Nevertheless, despite some of you were ill, and some continue to be ill, it is a little concerning that I haven’t seen some of you at church in almost 2 years.
2021 was a difficult year in so many ways. Some of you and your family members became ill because of Covid-19. The pandemic changed how, when and where we worked (if we worked), and it changed education for those in kindergarten schools through graduate level schools. But 2021 was also a blessed year for us, in that our families were blessed with new jobs, job promotion, new cars, new babies, and love flourished. We praise God for the treasure of a loving family during hard times, in that we supported one another and shared life's joys and sorrows.
Of course, there will be plenty to worry about in 2022, but alien invasion of our communities will not be one. I certainly will not be expecting to greet visitors from another planet. For sure, all of us will face difficult times with disruptive and unexpected events that threaten to negatively affect our lives. Some of these times will be emotional, some will be spiritual, some will be physical and some will be financial. Some of the challenges that are likely to come our way might seem to be more than we can handle or even beyond our capabilities, but our God promises to provide for us in time of need. We can come to Him with every question, doubt, worry, and anxiety because He cares for us. His plans for us are immeasurably more than we can ask for or imagine.
Let this be especially good news to you: Covid-19 pandemic will either be eradicated or we learn to live with it as a new normal. It is important then that our Church envisions and continues to plan for our congregation to return in full strength. I eagerly await the entire Church meeting together, singing together, sitting together under the teaching of the Word, and sharing meals together. I pray that this time of isolation will make us all hunger more deeply for time with the Body of Christ, and will make our reunion all the sweeter. Looking forward to seeing those of you we haven’t seen in a while.
I am thankful to the Deacon’s board, Board of Trustees, Moderator, Church Secretary, Clerk, Treasurer,
Financial Secretary, Assistant Treasurer, Choir Director, members of the various committees, Violet Oliphant, our new organist, the Bible study group, the congregation at large, and visiting friends for their support during a difficult time. May the words below be our prayer:
“Take my life, and let it be consecrated Lord, to thee.
Take my moments and my days, let them flow in ceaseless praise.
Take my hands, and let them move at the impulse of they love.
Take my feet, and let them be swift and beautiful all for thee.”
God’s richest blessings, Rev. Dr. Peter E. Grinion, Pastor