We are living in an age of fast changing cultures and sub-cultures that affect all institutions in our society, including the church. The question is not “will there be change, but is change be better or worse for our church?” Since we cannot stop change from happening around us, we are obligated to adjust to change. Any resistance must be to immorality, indecency, wickedness, corruption, and wrongdoing.
There are numerous reasons why people resist change, but I would like to point out the following reasons for consideration:
- We are stuck in our beliefs of how things ought to be.
- We are stubborn.
- We feel trapped in our old ways.
- We are comfortable in our ways and with how things are presently.
- We are afraid of what life may become with change.
- Change is scary because we have to let go of our old securities
- Change hurts.
- We believe we lack power to effect the changes we need.
The change we are pursuing at WHBC will be reflective in church leadership style, music, preaching style, programming, and the end result is to meet the needs of all our worshippers and attract more members of our community. We need change in church governance that works effectively and efficiently with the talents, availability of members to serve in identified ministries/boards, and in general the numerical composition of our present congregation. We need to make change with the way we package ministry because of the way people hear, understand, and receive the timeless gospel of Jesus Christ is changing. If we don’t realize and adapt to those changes, the people who we need to join our church family might not come our way.
My personal conviction is that change can be exciting as it breaks the routine and it brings new beginnings. For this reason, I implore you to embrace the changes we strive for. Let us humble ourselves rather than being self-centered; let us be open rather than being reactionary; and let us be forbearing rather than being judgmental towards those who are working with the change process or resist change. Let us work to generate harmony that we move forward with singleness of heart, mind and purpose.
Through all the changing scenes of life,
In trouble and in joy,
The praises of my God shall still
My heart and tongue employ.
In His Service,
Rev. Dr. Peter E. Grinion, Pastor