Proudly recognized as special guests were Emily Keyes, Don and Della Van Dorn in addition to active volunteers: Leanna Shirley, Gene Kehoe, Anne Greco, and myself. Emily drove 556 times between 2002 and 2007 at which time she became a dispatcher. She took 828 calls from 2002 to 2011, and SHE actually answered the call and drove 153 times. We didn’t keep records prior to 2002. Leanna has been a faithful volunteer (driving & dispatching) for 26 years, and Don and Della together served as drivers for 20 years. Lonnie Schultz volunteered one year, and Gene, Anne, and I have served for 13 years total. What a blessing you all have been and are!! Almost 70 years of service from our WHBC volunteers!!
In addition, we thank you WHBC for your faithful support as an Interfaith League member, and for the many times you give to the food cupboard, Crop Walk, and donate generously (the “noisy” offering) to help us with our mission. We may be one of the smaller congregations, but we are loving and generous. I’m truly proud to be a part of WHBC.
Mr. Don Alhart shared with us a quote from a dear friend’s granddaughter. “Love is creating happiness for someone else.” Our Church and our wonderful parishioners exhibit that love. He also told us that giving a helping hand makes you feel joy, and will actually lengthen your life.
FISH celebrated 45 years and RHAFT celebrated 35 years of service to the R-H Community. The organization is an all-volunteer nonprofit partially supported by The Interfaith League of Churches. FISH provides rides to those who are unable to drive to medical appointments, and RHAFT provides emergency food from our Food Cupboard for those in need.
Submitted by Joyce Shutts