Other participants included: Rev. David Inglis, senior pastor, Henrietta United Church of Christ; Rev. Dr. Lynn Acquafondata, pastoral counselor and church consultant; Rev. Martha Koenig Stone, associate pastor, Henrietta United Church of Christ; Bruce Nelson, president, Temple Beth Am; Barbara Swiecki, pastor administrator, St. Marianne Cope Roman Catholic Church; Dr. Rashid Muhammad, member of the Islamic Center of Rochester, Muslim Chaplain at RIT; Mel Witmer, longtime volunteer for FISH and RHAFT; Rev. Dr. Cathy Stengel, senior pastor, Rush United Methodist Church, and Lynne Stewart, member of both the WHBC bicentennial committee and the Rush-Henrietta Interfaith League.
Edo Frenkel directed the choir, and Bev Bixby was organist.